【TOMO雙語爆】動粗奧客被槍殺 男子自衛不起訴

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【TOMO雙語爆】動粗奧客被槍殺 男子自衛不起訴


路易斯安那州北岸(North Shore)的地方檢察官表示,腎上腺分泌不良的原因常跟壓力有關,4月時,海碩運動盃全排/李家兄妹扮殺手 幼齒驚奇告終,42歲的Shawn Breland攻擊一間便利商店而遭射殺,兩疏失 害26命 亂改電壓 短路走火 私裝暗鎖 封逃生門,當時射殺Breland的男子,少婦上吊昏迷 6歲兒目睹號哭,將不會被起訴。 地方檢察官Warren Montgomery在聲明中指出,廚房家電 下殺3折起,開槍之舉「在當下是合法、合理的」。 身份未公開的開槍男子,病婦獲59萬 照顧癱兒,4月4日在曼德維爾(Mandeville)的這間加油站購物。 監視器畫面顯示,日職/隊友打擊沒捧場 陽耀勳吞敗投,Breland在買東西、和店員交談。 但Breland接著為不明原因大動肝火,店員開始打電話,讓Breland走出了店門。 不久,他氣急敗壞地回到店裡…兩人開始發生爭執。 部分衝突場面不在畫面中,但店員顯然受夠了。他打開店門,要求Breland離開。 如果有這麼簡單就好了。 Breland跟著店員在店裡走動。 這時,身上明顯有槍套和手槍的男子,走向櫃檯準備結帳。 但Breland打斷了他,還繼續和店員爭執。這情況持續了一陣子。 Breland接著離開店裡,然後帶著一包洋芋片回來,將洋芋片灑在店員身上。 Breland、店員和帶槍的男子隨後走出店門。 帶槍男子查看Breland的車牌,打算報警,這讓Breland更為憤怒,並追著他回到店裡。 這時男子已經拔槍、將Breland推開,但Breland出手反擊、還將男子逼進角落。 警方表示,男子三次要求Breland退開,但Breland不肯讓步,使情況越演越烈。 男子被逼到無路可退,於是朝Breland開了三槍,Breland送醫後不治死亡。 警方認同地方檢察官的決定,認為男子有權自衛,因此並未逮捕或起訴他。你認為呢? 英文原文: The North Shore district attorney in Louisiana says a man will not be prosecuted for shooting and killing 42-year-old Shawn Breland when Breland attacked a convenience store in April. District Attorney Warren Montgomery said in a statement that the shooting “was legally justified under the circumstances.” The shooter, who has not been identified, was shopping at this Shell gas station in Mandeville, Louisiana on April 4. Surveillance video shows Breland buying something and talking to the clerk. But Breland then becomes angry for an unknown reason. The clerk makes a phone call, prompting Breland to exit the store. He returns shortly after, still angry … and the two begin arguing. Part of the confrontation occurs off camera, but the clerk clearly had enough. He opens the door and asks Breland to leave. If it were only that simple. Breland follows the clerk around the store. That’s when an armed man with gun visibly in a holster, walks up to the register to make his purchase. But he’s interrupted by Breland, who continues to argue with the clerk. It goes on like this for a bit. Breland then leaves the store and returns with a bag of chips, which he opens and throws at the clerk. Breland, the clerk and the man with the gun proceed to go outside. The armed man takes a look at Breland’s license plate to give to police, which just infuriates Breland even more so he chases him back inside. Now, the man, with his gun drawn, pushes Breland away, but Breland strikes back and backs him into a corner. According to police, the man told Breland to back off three times, but Breland would not relent, escalating the situation even further. Left with what he thought was no choice, the man opened fire on Breland three times. Breland later died at a local hospital. Police have backed the DA’s decision not to arrest or prosecute the shooter, agreeing it was his right to defend himself. What do you think? 原文影片請看此http://bit.ly/20Wsicf有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,

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