【TOMO雙語爆】高中小鮮肉被二師迫玩3P 創9小時紀錄現提告

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【TOMO雙語爆】高中小鮮肉被二師迫玩3P 創9小時紀錄現提告


一名青少年歷經了9小時3P師生性愛馬拉松的「折磨」,感熱紙含雙酚A 影響男性性徵,現在對所有涉案人提出告訴。 你能想像當時16歲的他,酒駕闖公園撞傷娃 男重判5月,歷經的苦難嗎?這位紐奧良學生於2014年,家中吐血驚動救護車 方基墨割喉腫瘤救命,在40天內,菲迎新南向政策 與台談10多項合作,被迫參與36場性行為,所有你能想像得到的變態性行為,他都經歷過了。 而且他的加害者,現年30多歲的女老師,看起來真火辣,這一定讓他「更痛苦」。 另一名加害者當時才25歲。而你相信嗎?這兩位女老師,居然強迫男學生,參與長達9小時的3P性行為!太噁心啦! 我們2014年已報導過這則新聞,在此為您附上連結。http://bit.ly/1WFc4o4 涉案人是路易斯安那州(Louisiana)德斯川紐奧良高中(Destrehan New Orleans High School)前任女老師Shelley Dufresne和Rachel Respess。現在她們被受害學生和其家長,依民事罪起訴,因此又有更多新細節浮上檯面。 據我們所知,Shelley先跟這位不具名男學生,發展了不倫關係,被同事Rachel知道後,她立即表示不可以…不讓她加入。 結果這個男生,跟有三個孩子的人妻Shelley,以及Rachel老師,就展開了馬拉松式的一王二后大戰!甚至包括長達9小時3P! 這場肉慾饗宴,一開始是在Shelley位於蒙茲(Montz)的家,也就是她跟老公和3個孩子的家,後來轉到Rachel老師私人的「愛巢」,去嘗試「破紀錄」的三人行。 據稱Shelley一開始,就鎖定該男學生為目標了。他生病時,她還發簡訊表達關心,因為…她本來就很有愛心嘛! 原告的律師不對媒體表示意見,我們並不知道,他們要向這兩位老師和該學區提出什麼具體要求,不過要猜的話,應該是…一大筆錢吧! 去年Shelley提出認罪協商,她不用坐牢,但失去了教師執照,被罰一千美元罰金,緩刑三年,還得在心理治療機構待90天。 Rachel也免不了罪責,由於她參與性行為,且未第一時間通報犯罪。你覺得呢?應該把這兩個不走正途的女老師關起來?還是…你會想邀她們來你家「開轟趴」?英文原文:Teen student who ‘endured’ 9-hour threesome with teachers sues everyone. Just imagine the suffering a-then 16-year old male New Orleans student went through in 2014. Over a period of just 40 days, he was subjected to 36 sexual encounters — every type of depraved sex act you can fathom. What’s more, his first abuser, now in her mid-30s, is like pretty darn hot … which must‘ve only have added to his torments. The boy’s second abuser was just 25 when she joined the party, and can you believe it … these ladies FORCED a 16-year-old boy into a 9-hour threesome! … Sickening! We brought you the story of former Destrehan New Orleans High School teachers Shelley Dufresne and Rachel Respess in 2014 and there’s a link to our original awesome video in the description, but new details have thrust forth due to a civil case brought against the teachers by the victim and his parents. We’ve learned that when fellow teacher Rachel Respess found out about the "sexcapades" between unnamed boy and Dufresne, Rachel immediately demanded they STOP … not letting her join them. So it came to pass that unnamed student boy, married-mom-of-three teacher Shelley and teacher Rachel embarked on marathonic fornicating … including, it’s claimed, a 9-hour threesome. The epically carnal events first allegedly took place at Shelley’s home in Montz, you know, the one she shared with her hubby and three kids before moving over to Ms. Rachel’s more private loveshack for the record-breaking menage-a-trois. Shelley Dufresne allegedly started ‘targeting’ the boy from day one … checking in on him via social media when he was sick … cuz, she’s naturally just a really caring person. The plaintiff's lawyer isn’t speaking to the media, and we don’t know exactly what they’re seeking from the teachers and the school district … but if we had to guess, we’d say money — lots of it! Shelley Dufresne took a plea deal last year: no jail, but bye-bye teaching license, a US$1,000 fine, 3-years of probation and 90 days at a mental health facility. Rachel Respess is also in trouble …. for the sex stuff, and also for not reporting the first crime … so, what’s your call? Lock up these two deviants and throw away the key or send them your key and your address? 原文影片請看此http://bit.ly/1NTZEah有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,

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