【TOMO雙語爆】殺貓女獸醫 力保執照求生存

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【TOMO雙語爆】殺貓女獸醫 力保執照求生存


一名獸醫去年用弓箭殺死鄰居的貓後,蘭斯佛 11勝獨霸 小胖第16轟突破僵局,近日已完成她的證詞陳述。而她的獸醫生涯可能已經永遠成為過去式了。 2015年4月15日,賺逾3億月收僅15K B.A.P血汗偶像告官解約,Kristen Lindsey在她的後院看到一隻虎斑貓。Lindsey堅稱,卡麥隆續用4閣員 厲行撙節,那隻貓身上的惡臭,讓她誤以為牠是野貓,因此她決定用弓箭來對付這個入侵者。 Lindsey的箭直接射穿貓的頭部,結束牠的生命。這名獸醫拍照留念時,專家認定她的獵物已喪生。 Lindsey隨後將照片上傳臉書(Facebook),向全世界炫耀她的行刑技巧,還寫了文字敘述:「我首度一箭擊殺的獵物。唯一的好野貓,就是被箭爆頭的野貓!」年度獸醫獎,真是捨她其誰啊。 殊不知Lindsey所殺的貓,很有可能就是她鄰居Johnson夫婦走失的貓。 德州獸醫監察會(Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners)比對了Johnson夫婦愛貓的照片,和Lindsey的紀念照。 Johnson夫婦在證詞中表示,他們的愛貓「阿虎」顯然遭到這名獸醫誤殺。 實在很難理解,為什麼一位有執照的獸醫會認為,對無辜的動物採取殘忍手段,是值得在社群媒體上炫耀的事。  她的僱主也有同感,而將她從獸醫診所開除。 在判定是否要撤銷其執照的聽證會上,Lindsey表示,她一直無法找到願意僱用她照護動物的僱主。 她也表示,要是她想到那隻貓有主人,就絕對不會殺牠了。她甚至坦承,雖然覺得使用弓箭很有效率,但這可能不太適當。 德州行政聽證會辦公室預計會在幾週內,就Kristen Lindsey 是否永遠失去獸醫執照,做出決定。英文原文:The testimony of a veterinarian who killed a neighbor’s cat with a bow and arrow last year has concluded, and her days of treating animals could be in the past, permanently. On April 15, 2015, Kristen Lindsey was in her yard when she spotted a tabby cat. Lindsey maintains she thought the cat was feral because of its bad odor, so she decided to break out her bow and arrow to deal with the trespasser. Lindsey then shot the cat through the head, ending its life. Experts testified as to whether or not the cat was dead at the moment the animal doctor chose to pose for pictures with her kill. Lindsey then uploaded the photo to Facebook to show the world her skillful execution, with the caption "my first bow kill. The only good feral tomcat is one with an arrow through it’s head!" Vet of the year award…gladly accepted. As it turns out, Lindsey’s victim was likely the missing cat of her neighbors, Claire and William Johnson. The Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners compared photographs of the couple’s cat with Lindsey’s trophy pic, and the Johnsons testified saying it’s very clear their beloved tabby cat “Tiger” was on the wrong end of the vet’s arrow. It’s difficult to make sense of why a licensed veterinarian thought an act of cruelty toward an innocent animal was something to brag about on social media, And her employers felt the same way, firing her from the clinic she was working at. During the hearing to determine whether her license will be revoked, Lindsey said she’s been unable to find anyone willing to hire her for her animal care services. Shocker. She also said that had she thought the cat had an owner, she never would’ve killed it. Furthermore, she acknowledged that though she felt her use of a bow and arrow was efficient, it may not have been appropriate. A decision is expected in the weeks ahead from the State Office of Administrative Hearings as to whether Kristen Lindsey will lose her veterinary license for good. 原文影片請看此http://bit.ly/1SVvX7L有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,

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