
Modobag: Part Luggage, Part Scooter, and All Fun

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     28歲超模出櫃 自爆陰陽人     朴槿惠閨蜜喊冤 嗆檢方強迫認罪     騎單車返鄉過年 1個月後才知走反     Modobag: Part Luggage,蘋論:開除黨籍不適當, Part

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Modobag: Part Luggage,3分球13中 柯神暴走 打鵜鶘出氣飆紀錄, Part Scooter,瘋啥:好萌 語音機器人傳話, and All Fun累了嗎?讓行李箱載你一程吧!



The Modobag has several special features. The most obvious difference between the Modobag and normal bags is its built-in electric motor. The motor combines with a seat,金融業憂心 服貿貨貿恐延宕, foot rests,蘋論:對抗環境污染束手無策嗎?, and handlebars to allow travelers to sit on the luggage and ride it like a scooter. The bag can travel up to eight kilometers per hour indoors and 12 kilometers per hour outdoors,蘋果搶先看╱直擊台北後花園 「水木梧桐」水景休閒別墅, which is much faster than most people can walk.線上收聽請按Modobag有幾個特點。Modobag和一般行李最明顯的差別就在於它內建的電動馬達。這個馬達結合了一個座位、腳踏板和把手,黃光芹爆汪笨湖生前求救碰壁,讓旅客能夠坐在行李上,就像騎小型摩托車一樣。這個行李箱在室內最快可以行駛到時速八公里,在室外最多則可達到每小時十二公里,比一般人走路的速度都要快多了。
生活必備字詞◎feature n.特點,特徵;配備.My new car has great features, such as heated seats, climate control, and a self-driving mode.◎combine vi. & vt.(使)結合,組合.Patrick is looking for a job that can combine his interests with his professional skills.
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