標籤彙整:洛杉磯加大槍擊案 師生驚恐兩小時

道奇分區M1 前田季後轉牛棚

前田季後將在牛棚待命。法新社【鍾裕能╱綜合報導】道奇昨7局上靠代打伊鍚爾(Andre Ethier)陽春砲追平比數,江祖平愛得甜蜜 為周孝安不再當不婚族,菜鳥貝林傑(Cody Bellinger)打下超前分。終場道奇5比4逆轉勝費城人,新鮮貨/安全感來自十指緊握!沒男人…讓它來「手」候妳,將國聯西區封王魔術數字降到M1,阿Sa分文未取 挖洞春裝清涼挺林俊傑,最快今主場封王。前田健太先發投3局退場,洛杉磯加大槍擊案 師生驚恐兩小時,被擊出3支安打,包括費城人3棒威廉斯(Nick Williams)2分砲,另有2次保送、3次三振,失2分。
道奇確定季後賽將前田調往牛棚,總教練羅伯茲(Dave Roberts)說:「下次會改成後援登板,大概休2天之後,他投60球左右,對右打者很有壓制性。」教練安排,前田說:「擔任的角色雖然不同,為了球隊、為了能拿下世界大賽冠軍,投什麼角色都行。」

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Fight Night

Rocky is in the fight of his life,The Reform of a Shopaholic, and his trainer Mickey is giving him advice in between rounds.R: Rocky  M: MickeyR: This guys got me beat,NBA/Parker、Curry七傷拳互博 一場大戰傷兩名大將, Mick.M: Hes a no-good bum,蔡依林登機裝好趴 全身MJ奔紐約, Rock. Ill tell you what you need to do. You get in there with a left hook,兩性養生/慾望師奶報到!女人比男人更色的4大理由, and then a right jab. Then you sock him in the chin.R: Im afraid I cant,洛杉磯加大槍擊案 師生驚恐兩小時, Mick. This guy is tough.M: Dont worry about that, Rocky. Now get in there and show him what youre made of.R: Oh, Mickey. He got me in a five-punch combination to the face.M: Youre making a fool of yourself out there. Keep your hands up, and dont lead in with your face.R: Mick, throw in the towel. Im done for.M: Youre not done until I say youre done. Now get in there, and show this bum what youve got.R: Mickey, I cant do this anymore.M: Rock, remember your training.R: Training? Someone asked me if I wanted to make some money tonight, and they brought me here. Ive never boxed in my life.M: Oh, kid. You got beat by a bum.R: Mickey, thats the world heavyweight champion.M: You could have been a contender, kid. You let me down.最強動新聞看這裡線上收聽請按audiojs.events.ready(function(){var as = audiojs.createAll();});,

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