
Cyberbullying Leads to Suicide

On April 21 of 2015,笨賊只偷45元 傻盯監視器還自囚, Taiwanese model and entertainer,【幸福片】不可不知的熱門關鍵字是它, Peng Hsin-yi,濃重女人味! 細數讓男人望而卻步的9個國家~, committed suicide in her Taichung apartment. Peng,江口洋介落髮當變臉, who went by the stage name Cindy Yang, left behind a note blaming her co-workers and Internet bullies for her decision.Peng’s death is just another reminder of how dangerous social media can be. While websites like Facebook and Twitter can bring people together, they can also be a place for nasty comments to be posted anonymously. In the case of Peng, posts from the fan page Kao Bei Bloggers regularly attacked Peng over her appearance. Fans and family of Peng have gone public to speak out against cyberbullying by criticizing the actions of those who leave hurtful messages over the Internet.最強動新聞看這裡線上收聽請按audiojs.events.ready(function(){var as = audiojs.createAll();});,

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