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【TOMO雙語爆】小男孩怒持鋼管 隻身對抗城管

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【TOMO雙語爆】小男孩怒持鋼管 隻身對抗城管


這個有點嬰兒肥的小子,陳子威季後退休 轉任政大男籃教頭,據說是為了保護他奶奶,因應拓業務及海外分行佈局 彰銀召募35位儲備核心業務員,而對抗「城管」-「城管」是中國特有的執法人員,篤信佛教 沒工作專心顧兒,職責主要是管理街頭秩序,CES/全球最大手機! 華為6.1吋新機向三星下戰帖,「維持和諧」。地方上有個說法「你也太城管了!」用來指責人太殘暴、血腥、恐怖。 要是你挺身抵抗城管,儒鴻 外資連5日買超,你的頭可能就會像這人一樣,出包胃散 全出自老字號藥廠,受到社會主義式的「民主」洗禮。 人們跟城管的衝突場面,雲南慘案19人被殺 最小3歲,遠比北京的新鮮空氣要常見,最後鬧事者,通常都會被「和緩地」帶離現場,到別處去進行「文明談話」。 相關消息常被封鎖,不過其實中國人對城管實在「太愛戴了」,發生過多起暴動,砸車事件,甚至要他們早死早超生。 這支影片中的小男孩,英勇地持著一條長鋼管,大叫:「不准動我奶奶!」 他奶奶應是一位流動攤販,正被城管「勸導離去」,因此這個小弟出面抵抗。值得肯定的是,幸好這次官方並未出動坦克車等鎮壓工具。執法人員似乎覺得很好笑,沒掏出警棍,反倒拿出相機來拍攝。 影片最後,一名城管似乎想把小男孩抱到一旁坐好,但卻被護祖心切的小男孩斥喝開來。幹得好啊,小子。 目前尚不知這名小男孩與祖母,會不會被送去勞改…會被流放北境,還是南境…? 我們只知道,這小子長大後,不是成為艾未未跟劉曉波的合體,就是成為一個更威武,更恐怖的城管。英文原文:That little dude was reportedly trying to protect his grandma from these dudes, the ChengGuan, China’s urban police force tasked with … you know … ‘keeping the peace.’ The ChengGuan are so beloved by locals, people actually say, ‘Oh, don’t be so Chengguan,’ when someone’s being a violent assh*le.Step out of line like this dude, and your head might also get to experience a bit of Chengguan democracy with Socialist characteristics.Scuffles with these law-enforcers are more common than breathable air in Beijing, but they mostly end with you being gently removed from the area and taken somewhere for a civilized chat.You don’t hear about it much, but Chinese crowds quite often express their appreciation for the ChengGuan by rioting destroying their vehicles and even helping …. reincarnate …. the officers.This husky youngster was filmed by some folks somewhere in China somewhat recently — we think — yelling, ‘Don’t touch my grandma! Go away, don’t touch my grandma’ while brandishing a steel pipe.We can only assume grandma is a street vendor who was being guided towards a better future by Chengguan Urban Managers … but to their credit, at least they didn’t run over the boy with a tank or anything. The cops seemed to find the whole scene so funny, they pulled out cameras instead of batons.Towards the end of the video, an officer tries to get the young boy to sit down and be good, but the chubby grandma-protector shooes him away. — Nice moves, kid.No word on whether grandma and kung-fu-panda-pipe-boy are now serving time at a re-education through labor camp in northern China or at a camp in southern China.But one thing’s for sure, either that kid is gonna grow up to be some amazing combination of Ai Wei-Wei and Liu Xiaobo, or he’s gonna make one hell of a Chengguan officer.原文影片請看此http://us.tomonews.com/chubby-chinese-toddler-with-steel-pipe-is-not-gonna-let-cops-touch-grandma–359115939397632有話要說 投稿「即時論壇」,

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